Fraunhofer IFF Press and Media Service

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  • Intelligent Algorithms and Power Electronics for Grid-Quality and Energy-Efficient Battery Energy Storage System Operation ALene is a research project in which algorithms and power electronic systems that optimize battery energy storage systems will be developed and tested and their efficiency and functionality will be improved, consequently enabling better integration in the grid control system.

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  • In a joint research project with the company voraus robotik GmbH, Fraunhofer IFF research scientists are developing a software that will assist with the risk assessment of robot applications. This software will be integrated into the robot programming, minimizing time-consuming risk assessments. The Integration of Risk Assessment into Robot Programming IRPro research project, which was conceived as part of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s DATIpilot funding guidelines, started on September 1, 2024 and will run for eighteen months.

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Information and images on research and development at the Fraunhofer IFF can be found in our newsroom.