As a technology and research partner, we assist businesses that want to make Industrie 4.0 reality and play a role in this turning point toward digitalization and automation. We have made it our mission to contribute to sustainable development with our research, in the sense of ecologically intact, economically successful and socially equitable development.

Cutting-Edge Technology for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Our teams of research scientists have been researching such cutting-edge issues as the energy transition, climate change, augmented and virtual reality, safe robot use, digital twins, and artificial intelligence for many years and thus long before they caught on widely. Our clients come to us today to prepare themselves for future challenges and to develop efficient, humane and sustainable solutions together with us. We use custom and scalable technologies to bring businesses, whether they be major corporations or SMBs, on board wherever they are on their path to Industrie 4.0. We jointly analyze existing structures, find the right technology, develop the right software, and combine everything in integrated, intelligent solutions. This is how we make cutting-edge technology available to SMBs too.
In the process, we look at technologies and processes through our clients’ eyes and envision development ten or more years in advance. Our broad expertise in hardware is the foundation of our exceptional software and digitalization solutions. We analyze the entire product life cycle from ideation through development and maintenance processes down to the end of a product's life and recycling. Our technology sectors complement each other optimally and change dynamically with market demands.
We create value together in businesses and for regions rapidly, flexibly and always with an eye on the return on investment. Technology may be a means to an end for our clients. For us, it is our passion.
Implementing Research Faster
A new building under construction in Magdeburg’s Port of Science right on the Elbe will form a whole with the Fraunhofer IFF’s existing facility. As in the factory of the future, the boundaries between digital sectors and the sectors in which we work on and experiment with hardware will melt away there.