Planning Algorithm for Dynamically Establishing Safeguarded Areas
We have developed algorithms, which dynamically generate safe zones as a function of a robot’s geometry, current location and position and planned trajectory, to generate safeguarded areas. They are optimized on the motion sequences subsequently executed by the robot and clear as much of the space for use by humans as possible. A monitored area is discretized and additionally structured hierarchically to facilitate real-time responses to intrusions detected in a safeguarded area.
Projection and Camera-based System for Optical Workplace Monitoring
Our patent pending safety system based on classic projector and camera equipment is an innovative monitoring solution. Monitored safeguarded areas (safe and/or danger zones) are projected direct into an environment, e.g. onto the floor. The surrounding cameras reliably detect Interruptions of the projected beams indicating intrusions in the safeguarded zones. The system responds in real time. Intrinsically safe, it monitors the function of its components. It uses modulated and pulsed light to reduce the influence of dynamically changing ambient conditions. When the system is connected with robot controllers, the shape, location and size of safeguarded areas can be modified dynamically as a function of the robots’ location and speed. Additional information or information on the robot’s condition can be overlaid at the same time for users.