Operating and Evaluation Software for Sewer Inspection
The Robotic Systems Business Unit's development of the inspection systems for Emscher sewer system also entailed the development of all the system components for data processing.

Inspection and Cleaning Robots for Sewer Systems: Data Processing
Software Architecture
The unique challenges service robotics presents to software resulted in the development of a novel, service-oriented software architecture They facilitate efficiently, reliably and fully recording, analyzing, archiving and visualizing sensor data and the results of processing. Ultimately, this provides an advanced framework for inspection robots, which may also be adapted for many other service robots.
Operating and Evaluation Software
The inspection systems for sewer systems generate extensive and partly abstract data during their use. A package of operating and evaluation software (BASW) was developed to manage these extremely large quantities of data. BASW not only provides operators the world's first clear 3D representation of inspected sewer lines but also extreme close-ups and special aids to precisely evaluate, quantify and measure potential damage. The BASW was designed for use as a tool for post-viewing and analysis of stored datasets and as a remote operating environment during inspection.